Start with a Bright Smile: Teeth Whitening Before Cosmetic Dentistry

Start with a Bright Smile: Teeth Whitening Before Cosmetic Dentistry


Your smile is your most powerful accessory and the first thing people notice about you. A confident, healthy smile can leave a lasting impression and boost self-confidence. And nothing suits a smile more than brilliant cosmetic dentistry. No wonder teeth whitening is the #1 procedure conducted by cosmetic dentists in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Graham today. It’s the safest, easiest, and most inexpensive way to get a great smile.

If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry in Puyallup, Tacoma, and Graham to enhance your smile, you’re at the right place. Teeth whitening can be the ideal starting point for your cosmetic dental journey. This blog discovers the benefits of starting your dental journey with teeth whitening and why it’s the perfect option for achieving your dream smile.

How Teeth Whitening Works

All your teeth have an inner dentin layer and a hard outer enamel layer for protection. When you eat, drink, or smoke, a new layer, known as the pellicle, gradually forms on top of your enamel. The problem arises if your pellicle sits on your teeth for years. It may seep deep into the enamel and give off an appearance of deep stains that may be harmless but look extremely unattractive.

That’s where teeth whitening comes in. An expert cosmetic dentist in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Graham can clean away this film through reliable teeth whitening procedures.

Most tooth whiteners include either of the two chemical agents: carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. But, when used in the mouth, carbamide peroxide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and urea and becomes an active teeth-whitening ingredient.

Choosing the Right Teeth Whitening Method

1. In-Clinic Bleaching

Professional (in-clinic) teeth whitening is the fastest and most effective teeth whitening option. The process lasts only an hour and gives immediate results lasting up to five years.

2. Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels

These trays and gels can be purchased over the counter or from the dentist itself. Depending on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the gel solution, these trays are worn a couple of hours a day or overnight. It could take anywhere from 3 days to a couple of weeks to see any significant results.

3. Teeth Whitening Toothpaste

While they may not be as effective as other options, teeth whitening toothpaste is known to lighten stains and brighten teeth over time. Remember that most contain some mild abrasive, which helps remove plaque and polish your teeth.

4. Teeth Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are available at most drug stores nationwide. They’re cost-effective and are one of the most popular methods for teeth whitening. However, they’re still less effective than in-office whitening procedures, as they take longer and don’t produce sustainable results.

Professional Teeth Whitening vs. At-Home Kits

If you’ve been looking for teeth whitening in Graham, Puyallup, and Tacoma, you may have also come across at-home teeth whitening kits that may come in the form of a paste or gel that needs to be applied to your teeth using a brush or sticky strips. Some kits also have a heat lamp, blue or UV light within the mouthguard to “radiate” the whitening paste.

Initially, these kits may seem convenient and affordable, but they usually deliver below-average results.

Let’s discuss the differences between at-home and professional teeth whitening in Puyallup, Graham, and Tacoma.

1. Time

If you pick a professional teeth whitening procedure with a cosmetic dentist in Graham, you may spend 1-2 hours but leave with teeth eight shades whiter. At home, you will have to spend 1-2 hours daily for days/weeks for your teeth to become only 3-6 shades whiter.

2. Cost

While at-home kits seem affordable at first but, in the long run, they’re nothing short of drained money. In the final analysis, professional teeth whitening in Tacoma proves to be more cost-effective and naturally-looking.

3. Longevity

In-office teeth whitening in Puyallup penetrates deep below your tooth’s surface due to the concentration of the solution, which causes your teeth to remain whiter longer than elaborate at-home teeth whitening methods.

Preparing for Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening treatments with a cosmetic dentist in Graham, Puyallup, and Tacoma are relatively straightforward, but you should take a few steps before whitening your teeth.

  • Schedule a consultation with a reputed cosmetic dentist in Tacoma, like Meridian South Family Dentistry, to discuss your teeth whitening goals.
  • In the days leading up to your appointment, maintain good oral hygiene and dental care in Graham.
  • Try eating at least 30 minutes before your dental appointment, and don’t forget to floss and brush your teeth thoroughly.
  • Lastly, if you have dental restorations, like crowns or veneers, it’s better to consider and treat them as discussed with your dentist before the appointment.

The Correlation Between Whitening and Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a broad term that describes different dental procedures that change the appearance of your teeth.
If you want to change the color, shape, or position of your tooth or teeth or replace a missing tooth, you need to contact a credible cosmetic dentist in Tacoma, Graham, and Puyallup.

Cosmetic dentistry offers multiple benefits, including,

1.Whitening Strength

A cosmetic dentist in Graham has access to prescription-strength whitening methods, which are extremely effective and do the job quickly with fewer applications.

2. Customized Treatments

When you visit a reputed cosmetic dentist like Meridian South Family Dentistry, you receive personalized attention. The treatment will be based on your degree of stains, desired results, and the condition and appearance of your teeth.

3. Professional Experience

Cosmetic dentists in Tacoma are trained and experienced in whitening teeth effectively and safely. They also have a strong required background to know how to proceed best.

4. Uniform Whitening

Cosmetic dentists in Puyallup are experienced in ensuring teeth are whitened uniformly, giving them a natural appearance and healthy shine.

Need Professional Help? Get Consultation from Meridian South Family Dentistry

Research shows that white smiles are more attractive than a yellow, uneven set of teeth. While tooth discoloration is usually just a cosmetic issue and not an oral health problem, stained teeth can still affect someone’s confidence and make them hide their smile.

If you’ve wanted a teeth whitening procedure from a reliable, expert dentist in Tacoma, Puyallup, and Graham, you’re in good hands. Meridian South Family Dentistry is a family dental office in Graham you can trust. With our take-home custom fit trays or in-office Zoom Whitening treatment, our patients get the opportunity to choose which bleaching option would be the best fit for them.

Book your appointment right away to experience the transforming potential of professional teeth whitening in Graham, Puyallup, and Tacoma.


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